“The white rabbit”, a presentation on how innovation, disruption and uncertainty can create new possibilities for the AEC industry, is the title of the round table panel held by MARTHA TSIGKARI, Head of Applied R+D Foster + Partners, UK, on the 23rd of November at Palazzo Badoer, Università Iuav di Venezia, from 11.45 – 1.45 P.M. during the SHARE X: Conference for Advanced Architecture.
Martha Tsigkari has expertise that spans computational design, performance analysis, optimisation, fabrication and interaction design. She works with new technologies such as augmented reality, machine learning and real-time simulation. Using real project examples, Martha will demonstrate how technology has helped us develop ideas into buildings. This is a presentation about how innovation, disruption and uncertainly can create new possibilities for the AEC industry.
Foster + Partners is a global studio for architecture, urbanism and design, rooted in sustainability. The studio integrates the skills of architecture with engineering, both structural and environmental, urbanism, interior and industrial design, model and film making, aeronautics and many more – our collegiate working environment is similar to a compact university. These diverse skills make us capable of tackling a wide range of projects, particularly those of considerable complexity and scale. Design is at the core of everything that we do. We design buildings, spaces and cities; we listen, we question, and we innovate.
At Foster+ Partners, we constantly strive to change the paradigm of design. To that end, technology is an intrinsic part of how we operate. We embrace change and see new technologies as a possibility, rather than a challenge. That is why we have specialist groups such as Applied Research + Development, an integrated multi-disciplinary team of architects and engineers, who are also seasoned programmers. The Applied R+D group conducts state-of-the-art research and development to solve complex design challenges, taking the latest advances out of the lab and into the hands of architects and engineers. “
“The white rabbit” will discuss during a presentation of 45 minutes about some of the most important aspects of architecture research development such as Complex Geometry, Design to Construction, Performance Driven Design, Optimisation, Distributed Computing, AI and Machine Learning, IoT and Digital Twins, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Interactive Application and Interoperability.
This exceptional meeting between professionals will present real-world applications of both ongoing and completed research and it aims to not only showcase successful integrations of these innovative techniques into project design and construction, but also to stimulate dialogue through a 45-minutes open discussion with the audience members moderated by ALFONSO FEMIA, Co-Founder Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia, Italy; ARMAND VOKSHI, Founder Avatelier, Albania
Part of a series of 6 round tables, you can reserve your place here if you are an international professional architect (outside Italy) or on the website of L’Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Venezia here if you are from Italy.
The International Conference for Advanced Architecture will take place on 23rd of November at Università Iuav di Venezia, Palazzo Badoer and the following day, on the 24th it will be hosted at M9 Museum, Mestre. The Conference will be chaired by arch. Luca Molinari, Scientific director of M9 Museum and is organised by SHARE Architects together with Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori Venezia,under the patronage of the Fondazione Degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia Di Venezia, and Federazione Regionale Ordini Architetti PPC Veneto.
SHARE Architects’ mission is centred on promoting communication, sharing and exchanging values, knowledge and best practices in architecture.
Over the past 26 years, the SHARE Architects’ Forums have become an important networking platform for architects and contractors in Central and South-Eastern Europe. SHARE provides a useful framework for knowledge and understanding of the diversity of modern architectural phenomena. SHARE Architects events are presently taking place in 16 countries and have developed a community of over 50,000 professionals.
Practical implementations of innovative architectural techniques
from ongoing and completed research